Cambridge North logo

A sustainable, clean and green development

Our environmentally friendly proposals will tackle the key environmental challenges through low carbon design, renewable energy, sustainable transport, and enhanced biodiversity.

Our Commitments:

Low carbon icon

Low carbon
New buildings that have lower regulated carbon emissions in operation than buildings built to current UK standards.

No fossil fuels icon

No fossil fuels
All electric buildings with no mains gas, future-proofing the development for transition to a low carbon electricity grid.

Embodied carbon icon

Embodied carbon
Life cycle assessment undertaken to quantify and reduce embodied carbon as far as possible.


Targeting BREEAM Outstanding on the commercial buildings.

Heat pumps icon

Heat pumps
Air source heat pumps to supply heating and hot water, installed in the residential and commercial buildings.

Solar PV Panels icon

Solar PV Panels
Solar PV panels on the roof of buildings to help generate renewable low carbon energy for the site.

Rainwater recycling icon

Rain water harvesting
Utilising rain water harvesting to meet irrigation needs without relying on potable water.

Water use icon

Water use
Reducing water consumption by utilising Grey Water harvesting and through the careful selection of water fittings.

Energy efficiency icon

Energy efficiency
Residential and commercial buildings designed to be energy efficient to reduce their energy consumption and improve thermal comfort.

Ventilation icon

Commercial buildings to use best practice building services with high efficiency rates and heat recovery. Residential buildings, to be designed with natural ventilation, and the potential of mechanical ventilation and heat recovery to assist with overheating.

Bicycle parking icon

Bicycle parking
Circa 2,500 secure bicycle parking spaces for residents, visitors and workers, encouraging active lifestyles by providing appropriate facilities.

Green active travel icon

Green active travel
Located next to the Chisholm Trail, Cambridge North is well connected to the city’s cycle and pedestrian network establishing access to the wider city.

Public transport icon

Public Transport

Cambridge North is located at a public transport interchange served by Cambridge North railway station and the Guided Busway. Rail services create a direct 5 minute journey to Cambridge Central Station as well as direct links to London, Gatwick and the wider region while buses can take you to the heart of the city in 15 minutes.

Nature rich planting icon

Nature rich planting
New soft biodiverse planting and new habitats for insects, birds, and other wildlife.

Improved habitats icon

Improved habitats
Habitats and landscapes will be improved, enhancing net biodiversity by over 80%.

Green roofs icon

Biodiverse roofs
Biodiverse roofs on the buildings where appropriate.

Tree planting icon

Tree planting
In the next phase we are planting around 340 trees.

Health Wellbeing icon

Health & Wellbeing
Targeting a minimum WELL ‘Gold’ Certification on the commercial buildings.

Building materials icon

Building materials
Promoting responsibly sourced materials that are reused, recycled, and / or locally sourced.

Procurement icon

A commitment to local employment, labour, and training – including investment in apprenticeship opportunities.

Waste icon

Minimise construction waste and promoting recycling in residential and office buildings.

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