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The site and context

The UK is a world-leader in the life sciences industry, with significant R&D hubs such as Cambridge key to supporting growth in life sciences and other high-productivity sectors providing a vital collaboration of academia, research and development and connecting businesses and talent. The government have identified Cambridge and the science and technology sectors as strategically important to economic growth and key to the UK position as global leaders.

Following £50m of Government Investment Cambridge North Railway Station opened in 2017. The public transport interchange supports sustainable growth in the area around the new station. The Cambridge North development location is ideally placed to support the government and city’s growth ambitions.

The North East Cambridge area is undergoing a period of transformation, with the wider area identified as a new low-carbon city district by Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council. Cambridge North is a catalyst for the planned future transformation of the wider area.

The phased mixed-use regeneration scheme at Cambridge North is taking place on publicly owned derelict former railway sidings land creating an open, accessible and vibrant new urban district within the city. In the future, Cambridge North will be an exciting and inclusive place with new homes, workspaces, shops, cafés, restaurants, and open spaces.

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