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Our Proposals

Project Recap

The North East Cambridge area is undergoing a period of transformation, with the wider area identified as a new low-carbon city district by Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council.

Cambridge North is one of the best located and connected areas in the city, with huge potential to provide new jobs, homes and opportunities to the neighbourhood, whilst also reducing our dependency on cars.

Overview of our proposals

Better public spaces and more local amenities

  • New shops and amenities, with opportunities for cafés, a convenience store, bars restaurants, retail, and other community facilities.
  • Flexible outdoor spaces for workers, residents and people that will pass through every day.
  • Affordable workspaces and studios to support local Cambridge businesses.
  • ‘Meanwhile use’ to bring new spaces and activities to the site during the delivery phase.

Significant investment in the area and new jobs for local people

  • A range of opportunities in retail, hospitality, and office settings.
  • A commitment to local employment, labour, and training – including apprenticeship opportunities.
  • Local facilities and infrastructure will benefit from a significant financial contribution.

Sustainable buildings and a greener environment

  • New buildings that have lower regulated carbon emissions in operation than buildings built to current UK standards.
  • All electric buildings with no mains gas to take advantage of the transition to a low carbon electricity grid.
  • An on-site net biodiversity increase of over 80%, with at least 340 new trees planted, a wild habitat area and biodiverse roofs.
  • Around 2,500 bicycle parking spaces and low levels of parking for the office and residential buildings, to promote sustainable transport.
  • Excellent public transport connectivity adjacent to the Cambridge North Railway Station and the Guided Busway.

High-quality housing for a mixed community

  • Around 425 homes, with mixture of homes for sale, of which 40% provided as affordable homes, and homes for rent, a proportion at discounted rents.
  • All homes would be built to modern standards, with communal outdoor gardens and play spaces.

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